Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Consciousness

There is an actual reason why consciousness becomes self aware at certain stages. There is a hidden pattern behind this. And, that hidden pattern, is very familiar it is The Fruit of Life. If you take the fruit of life, and you count this as your radii as 1, you make a circle, which is there, and you come out one more, and put a circle around here, and then one more circle. – in the module that Drunvalo is displaying. In other words, you make your concentric circles, starting with a radii, this becomes 1,2,3,4 the fourth circle. There is your square, and the fifth circle, is the one that exactly contains. Look how the Fruit of Life, fits into the pattern just as if it were a key. It fits perfectly, absolutely flawlessly. That is the reason, that self aware, happens at that point. It is the reason behind it. It is the secret. In all of your sacred geometry, when you get to something, and you want to know why, look further, deeper, into understanding it all. See what the sacred forms are that are hidden behind that. Then, you will begin to understand they why. He begins to speak about Lucie Lubicz. She was a great woman, though she died many years ago. As this was filmed back in 1992. She lived in Abydos, Egypt. When Drunvalo began studying all of this, he began studying the Egyptian thoughts on it. Thoth as we know, tells him things. He said that there were these five levels, and we were within three. Drunvalo, began checking this, in Egyptian Beliefs and thoughts. And, they found out that they did believe there were five levels. And, that we were functioning through three of them. Lucie Lubicz, happened to be one of the people, who was Schwaller Lubicz’s daughter, one of the people who had really studied this in depth. This whole concept of these three different levels of consciousness. That we were involved in. And, she took everything she knew, and put it, into this one drawing. It was the summation, of everything she knew about this. Drunvalo, redrew the drawing. The first thing that you can appear and see, is you have a Star of David, within a Star of David inside of it. With a circle in the center. Well, that is the minimum amount of information to give the Fruit of Life. In the picture- you see a ladder running up the middle, which goes from 0-19. And, then, it goes from 20-21 up here. She talks about how there are three different types of skulls associated, with the three different levels. This is talking about the three different sized skulls, she says the first one is at 18. And according to the Egyptian Belief, we grew this entire top of our head, when writing was introduced. To deal, with the complexity of writing. That, this was added on later. And then when we go to the next level, we will grow a much bigger skull, Akhenaten type of skulls. To deal with the complexity of fourth dimensional consciousness. There is a big pile of rocks, at Karnak. She picked up one of them, maybe two or three of them, measured them, made a drawing, which looks like a level of three open windowed pillars, next to one another. She -formed temples and created sacred geometry forms in doing so, she knew what this was all about. These temples were all holographic in there nature. She knew once she knew what a little piece was, she could figure everything else out from there. Drunvalo, shows us the Luxor temple, an aerial view, a drawing of it, the Luxor. This temple, is based on 19, remember that ladder going up, at 19 that showed us our skull size. Well, this was the temple of man, which is us. You see the skeleton behind here, in the Luxor Temple, this is an enormously incredible three or four, block long temple. And, inside of here are all the proportions of the human body. It is broken up into 19 divisions, and Drunvalo, has never been able to correlate the 18,19 and 21 divisions, that they have given us, with the three levels of consciousness with. And, the one that Thoth has given him, at this point he cannot find a bridge between the two. There has to be some sacred geometry form hidden behind there, that he has not found yet. This sacred geometry form would bridge those two things together. If you add up all of the numbers you get 58- which correlates to 14- which means we are going onto a level of fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness, adding the 4+1=5. GAIA INC


Laura Zukerman

Owner and Founder At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

Becoming Your Inner Goddess/God

Goddess/God You Got This ❤