Why We Only See One Side Of The Moon From Earth

We only see one side of the moon because it is tidally locked to Earth. This means the moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that it orbits the Earth, resulting in the same side always facing the Earth. The tidal locking occurred due to the gravitational forces between the earth and the moon. 🌙 Early in its formation, the moon rotated faster, but the Earths gravity created a tidal bulge on the moon that acted as a brake. Gradually slowing its rotation, until it matched its orbit period around the Earth. This synchronous rotation causes the moon to keep the same hemisphere permanently facing the Earth. While we only ever see the one familiar side from Earth, we actually get glimpses of slightly more than 50 % of the moons surface over time, due to lunar libration. A wobbling or rocking effect caused by the moons elliptical orbit and tilted axis. However even with libration, around 41 percent of the far side remains permanently obscured from view on Earth. 🌍 Perplexity Partner ❤️


Laura Zukerman

Owner And Founder At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

Becoming Your Inner Goddess/God

Goddess/God You Got This 🫶

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