Rarest Eye Colors In Human Eyes

The rarest eye color in the world is green. Only around 2 percent of the Global population has green eyes. This rare eye color is caused by a moderate amount of melanin pigment in the iris, combined with the Tyndall effect of light scattering by the collagen fibers in the stroma layer of the iris. Even rarer than green eyes are violet or red eyes. Which occur in less than 0.01% of the population. This striking hue is often associated with albinism, a genetic condition that results in melanin pigment, allowing the blood vessels at the back of the eye to show through. True violet eyes can only occur when there is an absence of melanin. The rarest eye color of all is complete aniridia. Where there is no iris present at all, occurring in only 0.001% of the population. This results in a black or pupil like appearance , due to lack of an iris structure. Other very rare eye colors include amber, around 5% of the population, caused by the presence of lipochrome pigment, and grey eyes less than 1 percent of the population. Which are a variant of blue eyes with increased collagen fibers that scatter light differently. ❤️ Perplexity Partner


Laura Zukerman

Owner At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

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Goddess/God You Got This ❤️

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