Can Hugs Relieve Pain Receptors

Yes, hugs can relieve pain. Several studies have shown that hugs and other forms of touch can reduce pain perception and increase pain tolerance. One study found that people with fibromyalgia who received therapeutic touch treatments involving light, touching on the skin reported an increase in quality of life and reduced pain. Another large meta-analysis of over 200 studies concluded that touch, including hugs, can significantly reduce pain in people of all ages. The proposed mechanisms behind this pain relieving effect of hugs include the following. Oxytocin release- hugs include levels of the “cuddle hormone” , oxytocin, which has pain relieving and anti- inflammatory effects. Oxytocin helps relax muscles, and reduces stress, both of which can contribute to pain relief. Increased Circulation- hugs can increase circulation, into soft tissue , which can help alleviate muscle aches and pains. Parasympathetic activation- hugs activate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for rest and relaxation. Counteracting the pain exacerbating effects of the sympathetic fight or flight response. In summary, the gentle pressure, warmth and emotional comfort provided by hugs can trigger psychological changes, that raise pain thresholds and reduce the subjective experience to pain altogether. Incorporating more hugs into your daily life may be a simple yet effective way to manage chronic pain conditions. ❤️🫶 Perplexity Partner


Laura Zukerman

Owner and Founder At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

Becoming Your Inner Goddess/God

Goddess/God You Got This ❤️

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