Seatbelt Psychic

Do you think, you can understand the dead? A psychic medium, takes us on the journey, Thomas John, a world renowned psychic medium, drives a cab, and talks to people about there dead relatives, and family members, friends and others who have passed on, who have messages for them. Someone asks him, how is that as a career? He says , he gets feelings, intuitions, premonitions. Impressions, people are not waking him up out of his sleep, or anything of the sort. He says he sees the dead people. He says, when this young couple got in the car, he could feel her dad dead, sitting next to her. He says, he was with a whole group of people, and the first thing he wanted to do was be with his daughter, hang out with her and go to Vegas, which we find out from her husband , is his favorite place. He missed her wedding, and he recalls, asking her that, and she begins to break down. It gets very emotional. His soul made a choice, to pass away and orchestrate things from you, her the woman, on the other side, is what he the psychic is saying. She was very sick at one point, and he picked up on this as well. He says his soul, saw this opportunity, saying that he was going to pass over, and help heal her, to make sure my daughter, his daughter was okay. He did not want her to pass away, so he decided it was his time, so she is getting closure, boy this is very emotional. She had stage four Lymphoma cancer, and she was very sick, and so her father, also was ill. But he told her, don’t let her worry about me I am okay, on the other side, and now I am crying. She prayed to her dad constantly, constantly talking to him, and he helped heal her back to health. They said that was the biggest blessing they had ever received in there lives, and it was confirmation, for everything, to trust god, and to trust the universe. And you never know, a psychic could be in your cab one day! Your loved ones, can really advocate for you on the other side, he was standing up for his daughter, making sure she was not going to pass over. Another passenger gets in the car, he says do you have someone in spirit with the letter D? He says, yes his wife, he says, she is picking out someone for you. She said she did not like Tammy, but wants him to move on with his life and be happy. Another women, just lost a dog, and the dog that died sent her this new dog, that she was going to pick up tomorrow, on the show. Another woman, was kidnapped and he is referring to an angel talking about the kidnapping, she confirms it. He says, you could have died, but this angel , she intervened. Another woman, had an uncle who was murdered, but it was said to be an overdose, and he really watches over her. They found his body strapped to a chair, in a basement, with two needles sticking out of his arms. She said meeting Thomas today, rocked her world, because she is also a stand up comedian, and they told her to follow that path, her spirit family in there next lives, gave her a nice laugh. Another story, a grandfather is sitting with a 20 something aged young man, and he is “Pops.” He tells his grandson, he is very happy that him and his mother are so close. Putting his mothers mind at ease, this whole conversation, that he was at ease with his passing. She was wiping tears off her face, and that was the closure she was seeking. Lastly, a man, loses his older brother in a car accident, he was on a ventilator, and he wants to tell him he loves him, and he is okay. Also, the passenger was shot, and his brother was watching out for him. He keeps telling him he should not have gotten into the car that night, he was only 12 years old, when he passed. He crashed into a tree, and it was not on purpose. He says, many emotions are running through his head right now. When he thinks about his brother, he sees him in the grave, he talks to his headstone. It gave him solace to know he is still around you, taking care of him and his mother. He was so thankful.


Laura Zukerman

Owner and Founder At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

Becoming Your Inner Goddess/God

Goddess/God You Got This ❤