The Law of Unity and Conflict of Opposites

This law reveals the sources, the real causes of the eternal motion and development of the material world. It states that there are internal sides, tendencies, forces of an object or phenomena, which are mutually exclusive but at the same time presuppose each other. Everything flows, everything changes; there is nothing absolutely stagnant, nothing unchangeable in the processes of actuality. For example, ‘upward’ cannot exist unless there is a ‘downward’, they are opposites but they co-substantiate one another, their unity is that either one exists because the opposite is necessary for the existence of the other, one manifests immediately with the other. For ages philosophers have been captivated by the conflict of opposites in nature, a belief in reality as a manifestation of an underlying struggle between opposing or contradictory tendencies, elements, or forces. The Law of Opposite Behavior suggests that no matter what behavior a person acts out, the opposite behavior or mirror image also exists at some level, residing inside the person. The Law of Opposites states that the path to success requires going against the norm. It requires doing the unpopular, the unreasonable, and the unorthodox. Moreover, it requires being the exception to the rule and not following standard and accepted practices, traditions, and rituals. Taoist philosophical principle rested on a belief in the law of unity of the two opposite forces: yin and yang. If one tried too hard to attain a certain want, the law of reverted effort would start to operate and as a result, the effect would be the exact opposite of that desired. What is the unity of opposites according to Heraclitus? The Doctrine of Flux and the Unity of Opposites. For he held that (1) everything is constantly changing and (2) opposite things are identical, so that (3) everything is and is not at the same time. In other words, Universal Flux and the Identity of Opposites entail a denial of the Law of Non-Contradiction. The union of two opposites? The Marriage of Opposites, or Chemical Wedding, or Coniunctio Oppositorum, is a term from alchemy that means combining two opposite substances, or essences, or even ideas into a unity greater than the sum of its parts. The Cyclical Argument, or Opposites Argument explains that Forms are eternal and unchanging, and as the soul always brings life, then it must not die, and is necessarily “imperishable”. As the body is mortal and is subject to physical death, the soul must be its indestructible opposite. Can two opposites be true? These coexisting opposites are referred to in Psychology as Dialectics. Our mental health can be heavily determined by how we accept the dialectics that confront us. Dialectics are two opposing things being true at once, and opposites that are integrated can lead a person to greater truths about themselves and others. Opposites don’t attract: couples more likely to be similar than different, study shows. The power of animal magnetism has brought countless couples together, but when it comes to who we fall for, scientists say there’s little truth in the old adage that opposites attract. The principle law of unity? The unity of legal system can be described in terms of law’s form (norms) and their relationship (imputation). Hart believed that this unity is conceivable if a legal system is organized according to the rule of recognition of the system. Law of Interpenetration of Opposites (or Law of Unity and Contradiction of Opposites): In the absence of tension, nothing would change since they is no impetus for change. Change occurs because things in nature are not isolated, independent, but are opposing forces overcoming or being overcome. The Law of Opposites according to Plato- The idea is that all things come into being from their opposites, since nothing can spontaneously come into being or cease to be. If death is the opposite of life, then death and life must be in a constant cycle, one coming into being out of the other. Three laws of contradiction- Abstract. The rules of logic are nearly 2500 years old and date back to Plato and Aristotle who set down the three laws of thought: identity, non-contradiction, and excluded middle. Google Inc.


Laura Zukerman

Owner and Founder At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

Becoming Your Inner Goddess/God

Goddess/God You Got This ❤