Monolithic Sights

In the 17th century, archaeologist John Aubrey made the claim that Stonehenge was the work of the Celtic high priests known as the Druids, a theory widely popularized by the antiquarian William Stukeley, who had unearthed primitive graves at the site. Stonehenge is the most architecturally sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world. It is unrivalled in its design and unique engineering, featuring huge horizontal stone lintels capping the outer circle and the trilithons, locked together by carefully shaped joints. These sacred spots, or power places, there are over or approximately 83,000 worldwide. They are geomancy places, in the lay lines. And, in the grids of the earth that affect the Electromagnetic field, that shapes around the earth. By the very sticking of rods in the earth, and the buildings of the Great Pyramids, putting crystals in certain places, and these sort of elusive things; you can affect and shape a geometrical electromagnetic field, that can be detected electromagnetically. Though, it is weak around the earth. Chichen Itza, Mexico. Is another location, shaping it so it is geometrically perfect from that. The entire 83,000 sites were created through those three men mentioned previously, on a fourth dimensional level. Then, over 13,000 years, people all over the world were just drawn to places such as Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, and Palenque, and Uxmal, as well as other places. Building these structures on these very particular places. They built them according to the inner direction, which was following this higher will to create pattern. It took 13,000 years to create the grid in Mexico, it was not finished until 1989. Thoth said, not only is this laid out in a logarithmic spiral, a golden mean spiral, but the sacred sites on the planet, are laid out in either golden mean, or logarithmic spirals/patterns. And, they are all mathematically delineated back to this single point. That is the origin of all of them, the Golden Ratio. The temples that goes down the Nile, are all laid out according to these logarithmic spirals, or Fibonacci spirals. But, everything all over the whole planet is. What many people are discovering now, is that the whole system is holographic. That once you know one building, you can determine, what the next one is going to be. And, you can keep doing this all the way through. Theres an inner relationship between all of these various times and cultures, that are all over the world. That there was a greater, mind working through all of this. That the Peruvians, were not working on there own. The Mexicans, the Tibetans, The American Indians, all had a fourth dimensional consciousness working with them. Underneath the great pyramid, they built a city of temples, they have located some of the rooms of this, though they do not understand it, because there in the Nile River. There inside the Nile, with water flowing around them, but theres no water in the actual rooms. They go way deep into the earth, the Great Pyramid, sits on a huge mountain of solid rock. And underneath that apex, in that rock structure, is a complex designed to hold about 10,000 people. It never needed to be that big, eventually it held about 8,000 people. At its maximum point, because that was how many people reached immortality. So they built all of these patterns, and sat on Atlantis for 200 years, and watched everything degenerate even further. And then finally, no more than hours before Atlantis sank, they went back to the Land of Khem. They went to a place right near there, that we now know as the Sphinx. In the Emerald Tablets, it says that Thoth created the Sphinx. According to Thoth himself, he said that it was a mistake by Doreal. He also said that Doreal made many mistakes in the interpretations, of the Emerald Tablets. GAIA INC.


Laura Zukerman

Owner and Founder At The Goddess Bibles

A Memoir By Laura Zukerman

Becoming Your Inner Goddess/God

Goddess/God You Got This ❤